Departure time: 09:33
Lenght: 3.81 miles
Time: 1"28"59
Number of steps: 6 400 (Exact. I didn't mean to though.)
Weather: Sunshine. Basically lovely.
Clothes: Fox Racins-shoes, black Nike-sweatpants and a black Happy Pill-t-shirt.
Weights: 2.2 lb on each extremity. A total of 8.8 lb extra.
So Shawn and Camara, tag along for a walk around Gotemburo in el Sweden änna. =)
Well. Out I go. The "Russian Route" was the chioce of the day. Felt like rediscovering another side of the city. Along the way I found a couple of typical swedish things.
First off, I found a swedish car. It's not correctly parked, which can be explained by the fact that swedish cars dont have streering wheels. Or, if you will, they ARE one big steering wheel. Made of wood. Controlling them is difficult. Requires 4 years of driving lessons. And 16 years of wheight-training.
That's why they dont sell.
At all.
Yes, this is a 2007 Saab.
Then, I stumbled across a swedish playground for children under the age of 3. Thing is, the swedish government cooperates with swedish soccer-fans and hire them as playground-constructors. Which basically means they burn something to the ground. And then we let small children play there. Makes hard fucking kids that grow up to become soccer-fans.
Circle of life, in Gotemburgo in el Sweden änna.
And yes, the vehicle is a 2006 Saab. (Like I said: they dont sell. At all.)
And now for something VERY swedish. This occurs quite often in the suburbian areas surrounding Gotemburgo in el Sweden änna.
This is a couple of shopping-carts, involved in a complicated reproduction-act (they are wierd animals), tampering with an electrical cabinet. The actual purpose for this extreme behavior is yet to be found out, but scientists think it has something to do with Global Warming.
Of course.
And finally, I found an american car. This is a Dodge Viper. If you successfully park your Saab during a whole year, and it doesn't rain english lords (OR champagne) during this time, you will be awarded one of theese.
So, this is the only one in Sweden. (There is one more, but it's been converted into a shopping-cart and is nowdays located at IKEA in Älmhult in Småland.)
Does the complicated sex-act mentioned above have something to do with shopping-carts turning into Dodge Vipers and then turned back into shopping-carts? What does the shopping-cart used to be a Viper look like? Is it still a Viper? And has it been concieved through shopping-cart-sex close to, or INSIDE, electrical cabinets?
And what does this have to do with Global Warming?
The questions pile up. More to come.
Stay tuned.
Avfärd kl: 12:30
SvaraRaderaLängd: 5,3 km
Tid: 2"30
Antal steg: massor
Väder: regn och ca 15 grader
Kläder: korta allväderstövlar, grön skogskeps och grön vindjacka. (Skitsnyggt)
Övrigt: Svampkorg, GPS och "The knife of Rambo"
En liten eskapad i den stora skogen på jakt efter skogens guld. Ett tappert försök att plocka svamp efter gps... Har gått en del i cirklar men hitta en massa svamp. Problemet kom först när man skall ut ur skogen och försöka hitta bilen igen. En GPS behöver fri sikt upp för att fungera. Hmmm. Tät granskog, regn och som filmjölk i luften. Efter 30 000 spindelnät, myggor och andra trevliga kryp lyckas jag släpa mig ut ur skogen ca 2 km från bilen...
Det är i varje fall enklare att gå på vägen än på kalhygge.
Tappade förmodligen en del kalorier så en kall öl och en timma på rygg i soffan skall nog få mig tillbaka i matchvikt.
Kram på dig å jag ska fanemej också börja gå. Långt som bara den. Jag behöver det. Du skulle inte tro det om du såg mig nu. Hoppas allt är så bra med dig som det verkar vara. =) /FIa
SvaraRaderaDin jävla sopa! Varje dag huh?! :)
SvaraRadera/Rånbögmördadig i Bålsta
asså den lager lokalen som brann ner sjukt att den e me i warbuddies, du fattar va jag menar skivan kommer och den brinner ned och man ser den från backaplan (: väcker inte det lite tankar?
SvaraRaderaSvara på facebook e du jävligt gullig! (: